Sunday 15 May 2011

Pippa's Madrid trip with Britain's Richest Men

Pippa's Madrid trip with Britain's Richest Men Nobody had the big toe, as the son of the Duke of Northumberland - one of the richest people in Britain - revealed knowledge of sailing.This was the moment in what seems to rest traveled quite lively.Previously, Ms. Middleton added to the smart skirt, black jacket and high heels, and party until 4:00 in the band proud, Penthouse.Earlier Mr. Middleton in smart beige skirt, black jacket and wore high heels, and 4 : 00 Bar in the Penthouse proud celebrated.

Group dinner on Friday night in the city a unique nightclub Fortuna - Middleton woman with a bottle of champagne in the red bag.And if hard that night was, Pippa was not let go, to see, emerging sport in Saturday morning wearing dark sunglasses and a black strapless dress summer, when buying a friend find and surf trip leader, a tourist map in hand.After several hours on their feet, the group held in a café with a glass of wine. Pippa was stifling laughter when he gave his consent for pictures taken on camera is like.Mr. and Mrs. Percy Middleton and historian at the University of Edinburgh and close friend of ten years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    Pippa’s Madrid trip continues with one of Britain’s richest men 27 years old enjoys a well deserved break in Spain with a group of friends and old flame George Percy. Really, Madrid is a nice place to go for a trip. Thanks a lot!

    Madrid Trip
